Thursday, October 20, 2011

German chocolate cake

For those watching out for calories, stay away.

For those looking for absolute pleasure, here's a German chocolate cake recipe and frosting that you can't miss. Either as a dessert or a birthday party cake, this recipe never fails any occasion. An extremely easy to make recipe, this cake is a total indulgent sin.

The impressive chocolate cake, gets a delectable flavor of rich caramel, laced with coconut on top. The bare sides of the cake, allows you to see what lies beneath and in between. So, let's take a look at the German chocolate cake recipe and frosting recipe. Read more on cake recipes.

German Chocolate Cake Recipe and Frosting Recipe

Ingredients for the Cake

Buttermilk, ¾ cup
Vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon
Yolk of eggs, 5 medium
Sugar, 2 cups
Egg whites, 5 medium
Salt, ½ teaspoon
Baking soda, 1 teaspoon
Sifted cake flour, 2 ½ cups
Warm milk, ¼ cup
Butter, 1 cup (2 sticks)
Sweet dark chocolate, 4 ounces
Ingredients for the Frosting
Warm milk, ¼ cup
Finely ground pecans, walnuts, or almonds, 1 ½ cups
Fresh or frozen and thawed grated coconut, 10 ounces
Vanilla extract, 1 teaspoon
Butter, ½ cup (1 stick)
Evaporated milk, 1 cup
Egg yolks, 4 medium
Sugar, 1 cup
Preheat the oven at 350º F.

Begin by preparing the dark chocolate by melting it in a double boiler. Stir it till it smoothens out. Add ½ stick of butter and stir it, once again, till it's completely blended with the chocolate. Now pour ¼ cup of warm milk in the chocolate-butter mixture, stir till smooth and set aside for cooling.
Grease the cake pans with butter and lightly dust the base of the pan with flour.

Sift the flour, baking soda and salt together.

In a large bowl beat the egg whites till they are frothy and fluffy.
In another bowl, blend the remaining 1 ½ sticks of butter and sugar. Slowly, add the egg yolks as well. Once the mixture is fluffy, add the cooled chocolate mixture and vanilla extract and mix well.

With the mixer on the low, stir buttermilk and flour mixture. Do this by adding the flour to the buttermilk slowly. Now add the egg white batter to the buttermilk mixture and stir the mixture once again, to get rid of the lumps.
Now mix all the batter together and divide them into pans. Bake for 30 - 40 minutes.

You will know the cake is done when it will start pulling away from the sides of the pan. Once the cake is done and cooled, run a knife around the edges of each pan and turn the layers of the cake onto wire racks.
Directions for Frosting

To make the frosting, combine milk, egg yolks and sugar on top of a double boiler. Stir the mixture till it's totally blended and add the butter. Place this mixture over simmering water and bring to boil. Stir the mixture till it thickens.

Add the nuts, pecans, coconut and vanilla. Allow it to cool to begin frosting. Place the cake on a cake stand and frost each layer completely including the tops and the sides. For a better taste, poke the layers on top for the frosting to seep inside.For making the frosting easier, use grated coconut.
This will allow you to spread the frosting much more easily, without disrupting the top layer of the cake.
The quantity mentioned in this recipe will serve 12. I hope you found this German chocolate cake recipe and frosting easy to make. Bon appétit!

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