Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Healthy Pizza Cooking

The original Pizza comes from Italy and can be found in the Pizzeria (Pizza shop) which each portion of pizzanya diameter of approximately 30 cm or more, with a thin dough has been drawn. One of the secret delights of Italy Pizza is the process of pemanggangannya that performed inside the traditional oven with coals. This is because if baked with electric oven, large pizza dough will become tough thin. In this website I will give you easy recipe to make healthy pizza. Hope you can try this recipe.Ingredients:
1.500 g plain flour
2.1 packet instant yeast
3.15 g granulated sugar
4.1 teaspoon salt
5.50 ml olive oil
6.300 ml of warm water
1. olive oil 2 tbsp/corn
2.1 onion, finely chopped
3.2 cloves garlic, memarkan, finely chopped
4.500 g tomato red, finely grated
5.2 tbsp tomato paste
6.1 tsp. ground basil
7.1 tsp oregano, dried leaves (powder)
8.1/2 tsp pepper powder
9.1 tsp salt
10.1 tsp sugar
1.50 g of broccoli, boiled briefly the quotation marks,
2.50 g cauliflower, quotation marks, boiled briefly
3.150 g of bacon, sliced, sautéed briefly box small
4. chicken sausage 2 bh, transverse slices, sautéed briefly
5.150 g cheese, grated
How To Make Pizza:
1. Make pizza: place the flour, salt, sugar, instant yeast in a bowl. Create a hole in the Center. Stir in oil, mix well with warm water to tuangi well blended. Put the dough on a clean surface. Knead the dough by hand until the kalis. Bulatkan dough, place it in a warm place for 1 hour to inflate twice again. Kempiskan dough. Gilas batter to thin. Print round 10 cm.
2. Make the sauce: heat the olive oil, saute the onion and garlic until fragrant and wither. Stir in tomatoes and other ingredients. Stir until boiling and condensed. Lift.
3. Basting each with sauce until flat.
4. give toppings, sprinkle cheese on top of it. Bake in hot oven at 200 C for 20 minutes until cooked. Remove and serve.

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