Friday, March 23, 2012

Delicious Chicken Barbeque Recipes Are Extremely High In Nutrition

When you say chicken recipe, it sounds so mouth-watering and when its Barbecued chicken it sounds like some god send food to rejuvenate me and distress me. Yes it might sound really bizarre but then I love eating non-vegetarian food and I love chicken the best. I am a foodie and good food is a turn-on for me. Here are some of the recipes, which I really loved.

Barbecue Chicken Kisses

  • 2 tablespoons barbecue sauce
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 1/2 green bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 skinless, boneless chicken breast half - cut into bite-size pieces
  • 1 potato, peeled and cubed

The first step would be to heat the grill on a medium high heat and oil the grate lightly. Now take two sheets of aluminum foil so that you can place the chicken breasts, potato, green bell pepper and the onion along with the barbecue sauce in the center of the foil and pack it. Make as many as these packages as you want and then grill them at a moderately high temperature for approximately 35 minutes or until the temperature of the meat reaches approximately 180 degree Fahrenheit. So the chicken kisses are ready and now you can enjoy these amazingly tasty chicken kisses and this would be the best kiss you have ever had.

Chicken with mustard sauce and green beans

  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter
  • ¼ cup pouring cream
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp whole grain mustard
  • 5 skinless chicken breast fillets (about 1000g total)
  • 350g green beans, trimmed

You can heat the oven before you start preparing the chicken so that it is ready by the time you are ready to grill the chicken to approximately 180-200 degree Fahrenheit. In the meantime flavor the chicken with salt and pepper. Mix some butter and oil in pan and heat them. Add the chicken fillets in the pan when the butter is not foaming anymore and fry it for approximately one to three minutes so that each side takes an attractive golden brown color. Now put the chicken on the roasting tin and roast it for about fifteen minutes till the chicken is cooked thoroughly. Now put the chicken pieces on the plate and cover them to keep it warm. Now prepare the sauce with the chicken stock. Put it in the frying pan in which you fried the chicken so that the pieces and bits of chicken flow into it. Boil the stock and add mustard and simmer it for another five minutes. Now add the cream and boil the sauce till it becomes thicker. In the meantime cook some beans in salted water and roast them for about fifteen to twenty minutes and serve them with chicken and mustard sauce.

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