Monday, December 18, 2017

Readers on reducing children's sugary snacks

Public Health England has warned parents that children's snacking habits need to change, with many of them eating three unhealthy snacks and drinks every day. In an attempt to prevent children from developing poor health and becoming obese, parents have been advised to be more strict with their eating habits.

We asked you to share your tips on how you are trying to manage your children's snack intake. Here's what some Guardian readers said.

'Try not to offer kids sugar as a treat': Maria Karanika-Murray, 42, Nottingham
We have fruit, veg or cheese as an after school snack. It's a good time and opportunity to offer something healthy or introduce new foods to my son because he's hungry and distracted when walking back home with friends. Kids also learn to view sugar as a treat – we teach them that. I try not to offer sugar as a treat and expect that the grandparents will respect that. We might as well teach them to get excited with fruit!

Kids tend to eat only as much as they need to. I noticed early on that if my son is not hungry he will not ask for treats or may even refuse pudding. That's a good habit that we often unlearn as we grow up. Eating well and enough is more important than finishing your plate. Perhaps the question is not how to limit the snacks our kids eat but rather how to teach them to understand and like good food. That means variety, regularity, and good habits for the whole family.

'They get only one snack but they get to choose': Amber, Germany
We get the kids to pick their own snacks by reading the labels and being aware of e-numbers and glucose fructose syrup. Our rule is that they get one and that's it. They choose which one they want and have an agency of sorts. We all know exactly how successful prohibition is ...

'Don't take young children into supermarkets!': Madeleine Westall, 61, Isle of Man and Scotland
Don't take young children into supermarkets! Don't buy what you don't want them to eat and try and stick to your rules – no crisps means no crisps even at Christmas, and don't eat what you don't allow your kids to eat!

I would say that setting good examples when children are young will yield rewards in the long run, but be prepared for a dip in their teens when they eat all sorts of crap. I think we should bring back school health professionals to help parents of primary-school-age children, as well as get dental professionals into schools to give talks.

'The main rule is not having the same snack two days in a row': Neil Welsh, Hampshire
We keep a list of snacks that the kids can have on the fridge. They can have two snacks per day from the list as stepping stones between breakfast, lunch and dinner (but not within one hour of a meal). The main rule is that they are not allowed to have the same snack two days in a row which helps keep their snacks varied. Once a snack is gone it gets crossed off the list until it is replenished at the next shop.

'We try and have only one time of the day when sugary snacks are allowed': Gary M, 29, Yorkshire
Outside of special occasions (like birthday parties etc.) we typically have one time of day where sugary snacks are allowed: immediately after dinner. After doing this for years now, our little one doesn't seem to ask for extra sugary snacks or drinks outside of this time, and because it's so tightly integrated into our schedule she rarely gets upset when she's told that she needs to wait until after dinner if she does ask (often when in a supermarket or shop where these treats are on display).

Try and stick to a schedule. We're all creatures of habit and like any routine it'll take time to adjust to. But once you're there, you'll be surprised how quickly your little one starts to keep you in check! Lastly, you should try to demonstrate the behaviours you want to see in your children. It's no use telling them they can't have a packet of crisps or some chocolate, if you yourself are indulging.

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