Monday, December 24, 2012

Know About Japanese Cuisine Culture

Japan is a unique culture with many traditions and customs. The other day there was news about the Japanese government having a Japanese traditional "Washoku", meaning Japanese-style meal, catered at the formal UNESCO conference in 2013. Recently, Japan has been getting more attention around the world due to the Japanese food culture.

When people hear the word, "Japanese-style meal", they usually think of sushi, tempura, sukiyaki, and so on. It is true that these foods are very popular and have a good taste, but there is also formal Japanese cuisine called "Kaiseki". Kaiseki dishes are highly regarded not only for their taste but also because they use many seasonal ingredients. Most of all, they have a very beautiful appearance. These dishes are also very famous because they represent the delicateness of the Japanese people and their food.

Another important part of Japanese food culture is table manners. Japanese people have unique table manners regarding such things as chopstick usage. People in Japan mainly use chopsticks for all meals rather than using forks, spoons, or knives to eat. The very first person who used chopstick in Japan was Prince Shotoku. The use of chopsticks was first brought to Japan through Japanese missioners who went to China during the 7th century. Afterwards, using chopsticks spread throughout Japan as the most common way to eat.

In addition to chopstick usage being an important part of table manners, Japanese people also say traditional phrases, like "Itadakimasu" and "Gochisosama," before and after meals to show appreciation for the food and the person who made the meal. There are some inappropriate ways to use chopsticks such as watashibashi, mayoi bashi, and choku bashi. Watashibashi is acting that rest chopsticks sideway across the top of dishes, mayoi bashi is acting that hove chopsticks over the dishes while humming and hawing about what to eat. And, choku bashi is acting that not to use the serving chopsticks, but your own sticks to get food from shared plates.

Japanese food and customs are somewhat similar to other Asian countries but very different from Western countries. Therefore, many people in Western countries find it difficult to understand Japanese food culture and get used to it. Japan has recently become influenced by western food culture, and young Japanese people do not eat as many Japanese – styled foods as they did a few decades ago. However, Japanese food is becoming very popular in other countries because of its healthiness and its taste. It is even common to see people around the world using chopsticks nowadays. When considering that Japanese food and customs are becoming common everywhere, they are likely to live on forever.

Monday, December 17, 2012

How Attractive Is Sichuan Food Culture

People immediately think of Sichuan food as being hot, sour, sweet, and salty; using fish sauce; or having a strange taste. Actually, these flavors were introduced only in the last 100 years, and initially were popular only in the lower strata of society. Hot pepper, an important flavoring in Sichuan cuisine, was introduced into China only 200 to 300 years ago.

During the period of the Three Kingdoms, the kingdom of Shu was located in Sichuan. According to historical research, the people in Shu liked sweet food. During the Jin Dynasty, they preferred to eat pungent food; however, pungent food at that time referred to food made with ginger, mustard, chives, or onions. As recently as 200 years ago, there were no hot dishes in Sichuan cuisine, and few were cooked with pungent and hot flavorings. Originally, its flavorings were very mild, unlike the popular dishes of today, such as pockmarked lady's bean curd and other hot dishes, Even today, some Sichuan dishes, like velvet shark's fin, braised bear's paw, crisp duck roasted with camphor and tea, sea cucumber with pungent flavor, minced chicken with hollyhock, boiled pork with mashed garlic, dry - fried carp, and boiled Chinese cabbage have kept their traditional flavors.

Sichuan has been known as the land of plenty since ancient times. While it does not have seafood, it produces abundant domestic animals, poultry, and freshwater fish and crayfish. Sichuan cuisine is well known for cooking fish. As a unique style of food, Sichuan cuisine was already famous more than 800 years ago during the Southern Song Dynasty when Sichuan restaurants were opened in Lin'an, now called Hangzhou, its capital city.

The prevailing Sichuan food consists of popular dishes eaten by common people and characterized by pungent, hot, strange, and salty flavors. Although Sichuan cuisine has only a short history, it has affected and even replaced more sumptuous dishes.
The hot pepper was introduced into China from South America around the end of the 17th century. Once it came to Sichuan, it became a favored food flavoring.

Sichuan has high humidity and many rainy or overcast days. Hot pepper helps reduce internal dampness, so hot pepper was used frequently in dishes, and hot dishes became the norm in Sichuan cuisine. Sichuan food has become the common food for most people in the area, especially since the dishes go well with rice. In this respect, Sichuan cuisine differs from Beijing cuisine, which was mainly for officials and nobility; Huai - Yang cuisine, which was mainly for rich, important traders; and Jiangsu - Zhejiang cuisine, which was mainly for literati. Typical, modern Sichuan dishes like twice - cooked pork with chili sauce, shredded pork with chili sauce and fish flavor, Crucian carp with thick broad - bean sauce, and boiled meat slices are common dishes eaten by every family.

Sichuan food is famous for its many flavors, and almost every dish has its own unique taste. This is because many flavorings and seasonings are produced in Sichuan Province. These include soy sauce from Zhongba, cooking vinegar from baoning, special vinegar from Sanhui, fermented soy beans from Tongchuan, hot pickled mustard tubers from Fuling, chili sauce from Chongqing, thick, broad - bean sauce from Pixian, and well salt from Zigong.

Much of the spicing of regional Chinese cooking is based upon bringing together five fundamental taste sensations – sweet, sour, pungent, salty and bitter. The balance of these particular elements in any one dish or regional cuisine can vary, according to need and desire, especially as influenced by climate, culture and food availability.

In Szechuan cuisine, there are a variety of ingredients and spices used to create these basic taste sensations. These include a variety of chili peppers, peppercorns over various types, Sichuan peppers, which are in reality a type of fruit, not pepper, and produce a numbing effect in addition to their warm flavor. Sichuan peppers, also called flower pepper and mountain pepper, are a traditional part of the Chinese five spice powder, or at least of those that are modeled upon the most authentic versions of the spice combinations common to regional Chinese cooking.

Other ingredients used commonly in Szechuan cuisine to create the five fundamental taste sensations include different types of sugars, such as beet root sugar and cane sugar, as well as local fruits for sweetness. The sour comes from pickled vegetables and different varieties of vinegar. A special bitter melon is added to many dishes to offer the touch of bitterness that complements other flavors. Other spices and flavors include dried orange peel, garlic, ginger, sesame oil and bean paste. Salt is important to Szechuan cuisine, and the area produces uniquely flavored salts that help to distinguish authentic Szechuan cuisine from the other regional cuisines from China.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Here Is A Great List Of Top Famous Korean Food

Korean food has become so popular that people from every culture increasingly enjoy these savory, spicy and almost soul-healing dishes. So what are some of these dishes that are so popular universally? Every culture has their own uniquely weird food but also some of the mainstream hits that almost represent as they identify of those cuisines. Following list is a great list of top six Korean food appreciated by Koreans, Americans, Europeans, other Asians and everyone else. So what are they?

1. Kimchi

Must I say more? If you don't know where kimchi came from, perhaps you need to go back to learn the most basics about Korean culture. These amazing yet addicting cabbage pieces strangely not only have been winning all the love on dinner tables throughout Korean history but have boldly stepped up to represent Korean food internationally. Koreans take their kimchi seriously. Every household proudly brags about their unique concoction in kimchi to dinner guests as if better the flavor of it, more cultured and somehow more dedicated to preserving their treasures of ancestry. If you haven't tried kimchi yet, maybe I will put going to a Korean restaurant on my to-do-list this week.

2. Galbi

If kimchi represents Korean food as a whole, galbi represents Korean barbecue. This soy sauce marinated, fruity and savory grilled short ribs are the biggest treat for any Korean families as their top choice of occasional eat outs. I remember the excitement and salivation whenever he got paid from work and decided to take us out for some galbi. Traditionally, galbi had been a choice of food for the privileged as beef was expensive in old day Korea. Not surprisingly, short rib is the part of beef that is one of the most expensive parts in Korea due to a high demand level. In the United States, not so much yet although in restaurants they still may be. Like every Korean barbecue dish, galbi comes with a variety of side dishes and lettuce wraps at restaurants.

3. Bulgogi

Beef teriyaki with kicks? Or perhaps is it totally different? My answer to that about bulgogi - same category with distinctive differences. Bulgogi is tender, savory, juicy and sometimes grilled. It's soupier than teriyaki. This popular dish has been one of the most commonly popular dishes universally. Any meat eating human being would appreciate the experience of eating bulgogi as I would say this is the least edgy mainstream hit in Korean food.

4. Samgyupsal

Korean bacon or unsalted bacon? Yes, the accurate answer is pork belly. Simple and fatty, samgyupsal is the runner-up in the Korean barbecue category, perhaps a threatening figure to replace galbi the winner. Why so popular? It's cheap. Really that's it? No, obviously by that standard, dirt would be the most popular. Samgyupsal is just amazing. Its flavor and all the side dishes and sauces you can add to it blow any hungry person to an outer space of joy. Moreover, it's so easy to prepare. If you can unwrap a pack of meat, you can prepare samgyupsal. As a boy, I tried samgyup sal cooked instantly on a shovel prepared by a group of furnace workers. It was just so good I did not have time to think about what they used the shovel for until now.

5. Seafood pancake

This dish is also called Hemul Pajeon. This is probably what represents Korean appetizers. It's a thinly fried pancake with vegetables and seafood such as shrimp, squid and oysters. Usually, when I eat pajeon before the main course, I get to take all my main course home since I have some self-control issues. The dipping sauce is the killer. It's a mix of soy sauce, vinegar and spices.

6. Soon tofu stew

This spicy bowl of stew is just full of kicks and joy. Soon tofu is ironically the least tasty ingredient in this bowl. It's the variety of other ingredients you can choose to put in there such as beef, pork, shrimp, squid, mushrooms, vegetables, kimchi, seafood and the list goes on. A cracked raw egg diving into a boiling stew still boiling in a heat-preserved earthen bowl, cooks to perfection. I like mine fishy and seafoody. I am a sucker for soon tofu stew whenever it rains. Watch out for msg usage at some Korean restaurants though if you're sensitive to msg. Apparently, some places without much expertise in cooking this stew uses a handful of it.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Learning How To Cook Delicious Mexican Food

Mexican food is one of the most popular and favorite food in different countries. There are only a few people who don't like Mexican food. One of the reasons Mexican foods is loved by most people is because of its unique recipes and taste. It's actually a fact that Mexican food is really delicious and you can actually find it anywhere. They are just simple food but very tasty and delicious. You can actually make Mexican food from rice, to salad, to soup, to dish, taco, enchiladas, and so on. But the most popular Mexican food is the taco. This is the type of food that Mexicans could be proud of because it's really delicious and satisfying. So, if you want you and your family to enjoy a Mexican delight once in a while, you can actually learn how to cook Mexican food. To help you start here are some of the things that you need to do.

Of course, the first thing to do in cooking is to know the recipe. So, you need to choose at least one Mexican recipe that you want to learn and prepare for your family. Since taco is the most popular and the easiest recipe to prepare, you might want to consider that first. Other Mexican recipes are little complicated, so you could set that aside first. You have several options where you could get the taco recipe; you could search it online, buy a Mexican recipe book with taco recipe in it, or you could ask a friend who knows how to make taco. You can do either of these options; it doesn't matter because you will be able to learn how to prepare taco in any of these ways.

After you have chosen a recipe, you need to cook it as often as you can to be familiarize and to master the recipe. They say that practice makes it perfect. So, try to cook Mexican food as often as you can. One of the most challenging parts of cooking taco is making the dough or the shell. There are two types of shell as they call it that you can make for your taco, the hard and soft. You can try both if you want; it depends on your taste. You can have it for your dinner or lunch. You can also make your family especially your children involved in cooking so they too can learn how to prepare and cook taco. Practice you master one recipe before you proceed to another recipe and before you know it you are already an expert in cooking Mexican food. You can have that in one of the occasions like birthday, anniversary, or graduation.

After you have mastered one recipe, try to set a goal to cook at least one of two Mexican recipes per week or it depends on your availability or desire. The best about learning how to cook different recipes is you are expanding your skills and ability when it comes to food. Food is an essential factor in our life and we deserve to eat the best food in the world especially if you made it yourself. One of the benefits of learning how to cook different dishes is you can eat as many as you want without spending too much. Because when you eat in a popular Mexican restaurant you will be paying a costly meal and may not be satisfied with the quantity, unlike if you know how to cook them, you can eat as many as you want and as often as you want.

Monday, November 26, 2012

There Is A Healthy Onion Rings Recipe

Onion Rings Recipe

  • 2 large yellow onions, peeled, sliced into 1/2-inch to 3/4-inch thick ringed slices, rings separated
  • 2 cups buttermilk, or 1 cup plain yogurt mixed with 1 cup milk
  • Salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour and 1/4 cup cornmeal OR 1 cup prepared cornbread flour plus 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
  • 2 or 3 cups of grapeseed oil, or other high smoke-point oil such as canola oil or peanut oil
Equipment needed: a 5-quart heavy-bottomed dutch oven, tongs, candy thermometer, paper towels, cookie sheets


1 Combine the buttermilk (or yogurt and milk) with 1 1/2 teaspoons salt and 1 teaspoon black pepper in a large bowl. Add the onions to the buttermilk mixture and coat thoroughly. Let sit at least 15 minutes.

2 In a separate bowl combine the flour and cornmeal, 1 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of pepper. Set aside.

3 Add the oil to a largish Dutch oven pan - about 5-quart or 6 quart size. Make sure that the pan is absolutely dry inside before you add the oil. Any water droplets in the pan will cause the oil to splatter violently as it heats up. The oil should create a layer anywhere from 3/4-inch to an inch thick. Use more oil if necessary. Heat the oil to 350°F. Use a candy thermometer to measure the heat of the oil. You may need to tilt the pan in order to cover the thermometer's sensor completely and get an accurate reading. I have found some instant-read thermometers to be useless for this purpose as their sensors are 2 1/2 inches up from the bottom. A good old fashioned metal-encased thermometer works best.

You can test if the oil is ready by moistening a little bit of the flour and dropping it in the pan. If it sizzles and fries, it's ready. If it burns, take the pan off the heat and let the oil cool down a bit.

4 Working in batches, lift some onion rings out of the buttermilk and coat them in the flour mixture. Use tongs to place them one by one in the hot oil. Fry for a minute on each side, until golden brown. Do not crowd them. Place finished onion rings on a cookie sheet lined with paper towels to absorb the excess oil. Keep the complete onion rings warm in a 200°F oven while you fry the rest. Between batches, if you end up needing more oil, add some. Let the temp get back up to 350°F before starting the next batch.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Why We Need Eat Yogurt

When I was a child I always enjoyed eating yogurt, especially the strawberry and banana flavor. Yogurt has always been a nutritious, healthy and tasty snack for me! Since my kids have seen me eat yogurt on a day to day basis, they have had a routine of eating it too as a snack. They love greek yogurt and squeezable yogurt tubes in all flavors. Yogurt is a great source of protein and calcium which helps the body to grow healthy bones. It also contains something called probiotics, which are living microorganisms that can improve health.

4 Reason to Eat Yogurt

1. Yogurt is easier to digest than milk. The culturing process makes yogurt easier to digest than milk. The live and active cultures break down the milk sugar lactose into glucose and galactose, two sugars that are easily absorbed by lactose-intolerant persons.

2. Boosts the immune system. The probiotics in the yogurt helps prevents the overgrowth of fungus that shouldn't be able to grow in your body.

3. Yogurt Contains Plenty of Calcium. Eat at least eight ounces of yogurt every day as this amount gives 50% of a kid's daily requirement of calcium and about 40% of an adult's daily calcium need. Eight ounces of yogurt gives more calcium to the body compared to the same amount of milk.

4. Yogurt is a "grow food." Two nutritional properties of yogurt may help children with intestinal absorption problems grow: the easier digestibility of the proteins and the fact that the lactic acid in yogurt increases the absorption of minerals. And even most picky-eaters will eat yogurt in dips and smoothies and as a topping.

Yogurt Snack Recipe

  • yogurt of any flavor (I personally prefer greek) or squeezable yogurt tubes
  • small ziploc bag
  • parchment-lined cookie sheet
  • berries or fruit of any sort

In a ziploc bag, spoon your child's favorite flavor yogurt and snip the corner or use the squeezable yogurt. Then Squeeze a dot size of yogurt onto the parchment paper. Put cut up fruit of your choice on top of the dots. Freeze the yogurt dots for about 1/2 an hour. Serve chilled! Make sure to not leave the dots out for too long they melt very easily!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

White Chocolate Banana Bread Pudding Recipe

Earlier this year when our family was vacationing we visited the Downtown Disney area in Florida. We were overwhelmed with dinner choices and made the mistake of NOT making a reservation. I had high hopes of eating at the Rainforest Cafe until we found out the wait time was over 2 hours. We had two very hungry toddlers with us and decided to give in to my husbands idea of eating at the House of Blues where the wait time was only 15 minutes. As it turns out, my dear husband made a good choice. The place was lively, fun and the dessert was out of this world. Ever since I first ate their White Chocolate Banana Bread Pudding I have been craving it.

After months of putting it off and ignoring the "must make this now" craving I got bored enough to experiment with some ingredients, pieced together different online recipes and came up with a white chocolate banana bread pudding that rivals the House of Blues dessert. I think the key to getting the richness I desired was trading out that plain old French board for a heavy egg bread. I haven't seen a store locally that makes one so I just made it myself which is relatively easy, especially if you have a bread machine.

  • 4-5 cups cubed and dried Challah
  • ½ cup granulated sugar
  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 6 ounces white chocolate chips
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 egg
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 2 bananas
  • ¾ cup heavy cream
  • 6 ounces white chocolate chips
  1. In a medium saucepan heat sugar, milk and cream over medium high heat until it begins to simmer, stirring frequently.
  2. Immediately remove from heat and stir in white chocolate chips until melted. Set aside to cool.
  3. In a small bowl, whisk eggs until smooth. Add ½ cup of the warm milk mixture to the eggs whisking constantly until combined.
  4. Add the egg mixture to the milk saucepan, stirring constantly until combined.
  5. Add the vanilla and stir.
  6. Grease an 8 x 8 baking dish with butter or non-stick cooking spary and add the bread cubes. Toss with sliced bananas.
  7. Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  8. Pour the warm egg mixture over the bread cubes and set aside for 30 minutes to absorb the liquid.
  9. Bake for 45 minutes, just until the bread pudding has set.
  10. For the sauce, heat the cream over medium-high heat until it begins to simmer and remove from heat. Stir in white chocolate chips.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

This Lemon Cheesecake Recipe Is So Healthy

Baking a lemon cheesecake is very simple even for first timers in the cooking world. This article is dedicated to help you learn how to bake the perfect lemon cheesecake. Lemon cheesecake is better served chilled so it should be baked a day ahead before serving. Preparation of lemon cheesecake can take anywhere between around 15 minutes and 70 minutes to cook so prepare your time for this.

  • 14 ounce of fat-free sweetened strong milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 375g of cream cheese (must be at room temperature)
  • 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice or a lemon
  • 2 tablespoons of cornstarch
  • A tablespoon of vanilla
  • Half cup of egg substitute
  • 1 tablespoon of ground cinnamon
Please note:
Make sure that you have all the above ingredients and required equipments before you start. Ensure that all the ingredients required are at room temperature before starting.

Cooking Instructions:

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and then after a few minutes or so reduce it to 325 degrees.

Prepare yourself a 20.5cm spring form pan. Brush your pan with butter to grease it lightly.

Break crumbs into a food processor to make your base.

Add sugar to your pulse till it is evenly blended.

Add your egg white mix till it is moistened.

Mix your crumbs and cinnamon in a bowl then add butter and pulse till its well combined.

Ensure that all the crumbs are coated in butter.

Allow your crumbs to cool while adding the sweetened condensed milk and cream cheese which are at room temperature.

Sprinkle in the cornstarch carefully making sure it is evenly distributed.

Add lemon juice, egg substitute and vanilla and mix them smoothly.

Pour it on your pan making sure it doesn't go over the edge of the pan.

Incase bubbles appear on the surface run a knife through the lemon cheesecake and burst any bubble.

If you would like your lemon cake to have a an extra filling, spray it with a non stick spray and continue baking for 40 minutes.

Check after 30 minutes to ensure everything looks ok.

Bake your cake for 40-45 minutes until the edges are brown or tiny cracks start appearing on the edges. Make sure the center of your cake doesn't jiggle when you shake your pan. If it does it may require a few more minutes.

Turn of your oven and allow your lemon cheesecake to cool for at least 45 minutes in the oven.

Transfer it to a wire rack and cool fully, then chill it in your fridge for at least 3 hours before serving.

Monday, November 5, 2012

The Tips For A Perfect Steak

There's nothing better on a grill than a great steak. The biggest secret to cooking a great steak is to start with a great cut of meat. There are lots of great cuts but my favorite is Rib Eye. Rib Eye is not the tenderest cut, but I feel that Rib Eye has the most flavors and I'll take flavor over tenderness any day. Look for steaks with a little fat marbling. A good cut of meat and a quality steak doesn't need much seasoning, too much seasoning takes away the natural flavoring of a good steak.


Before you put the steaks on the grill, take them out of the refrigerator and let the steaks reach room temperature. Trim any excess fat in excess of ¼”. To prevent your steak from curling, make a cut in the fat about every inch or so. Rub steaks lightly with olive oil and sprinkle steaks with fresh pepper. Oil the grill and set gas grill on high or a single layer of dense charcoal until ash is white on a charcoal grill.


Place your steaks on hot grill using direct heat. I like cross hatch grill marks on my steak so I cook the steak for about 1 minute on each side. Then I turn the steaks 90 degrees, turning only once more turning cooking. Always use tongs to flip your steaks, never puncture them with a fork to turn and remove them.

Cooking Time

Cooking times can vary depending on external conditions like wind, ambient temperature and so on. Of course the biggest factor is the thickness of the steaks you're cooking. If you have an exceptionally thick cut of steak, and you don't like rare steak, you may want to partially cook the steak using indirect heat. But always sear both sides of the steak to lock in the juices first. You can tell if a steaks is done by pressing the steaks with your tongs. A rare steak will be soft, medium slightly firm and well done will be firm.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Cream Of Mushroom Soup

Cream of Mushroom Soup doesn't need to come out of a can, you can make this from scratch. I will say that cans of soup have their place. I use them in a few recipes. Homemade soup is always best. During the winter soup will keep you warm, and when you are ill, something helps you feel better like soup. Here is one of my favorite types of soup, mushroom soup.

This soup takes about 30 minutes to prepare. Sometimes I just want a bowl of soup, not a day long process. This soup tastes like it cooked all day long, but I assure you, you can make this one for dinner, and not spend all evening in the kitchen.

Cream of Mushroom Soup

  • 10 button mushrooms
  • 1/2 ounce dried mushrooms (any type - *optional*)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 small potato - diced
  • 1 cup diced onion
  • 2 cups low sodium chicken broth
  • 1 cup heavy cream or milk
If you have dried mushrooms soak in heavy cream while you begin preparation on mushrooms. Ideally, these should soak until they are tender. Saute mushrooms and onions over medium head in a medium sized saucepan. Saute until onions are transparent and the mushrooms have begun to release some of their water. Add 2 cups of chicken stock and potato. Cover and simmer for about 18 minutes over a medium-low heat. Puree soup in either a blender or with a hand immersion blender until soup is well blended and is fairly smooth. Return soup stock to pot, add heavy cream and heat until the soup is hot all of the way through.

You can garnish the soup with a small dollop of sour cream. Chopped fresh chives or fresh dill goes well with this soup.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Useful Tips for Making Perfect Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Of all the stupid reasons to go visiting my friends with young children, grilled cheese sandwiches are probably the stupidest of them all, but still the best. Sure, I do treasure all of those toddler rituals of playing dressing up, dumping everything out of Aunt Sarah's purse, playing hide-and-seek and watching out the window for the ice-cream truck. But just as much as I like doing all of this, I also love my tea time, especially when all the mother's start yelling out to their kids (" Who wants some grilled cheese sandwiches?") the loudest voice in the whole 'me' chorus is always mine.
Ten Tips on how to make the Best Cheese Sandwich ever!
Grating your Cheese – You don't need to slice your cheese when you can grate it. This would ensure that you have gooey and evenly melted cheese in every single bite that you take.
The more the merrier – When it comes to using cheese, don't scrimp. Use around two or more ounces of cheese for every sandwich. Press the grated cheese with your palm, and press it onto the bread so that it doesn't fall out.
Welcome the ooze – Don't fret if the cheese starts to ooze out of your sandwich. The toasted, burnt cheesy bits at the bottom of the pan are always the best.
The type of bread to use – Don't assume that white bread is the only way to go. If you like whole-wheat or focaccia, then go for it.
Size matters – Make sure your bread isn't sliced too thick (not more than 1/4 "), or it could overwhelm the cheese.
Flatten the bread – Flatten your sandwiches with a heavy pan or a spatula to make sure that the bread remains crisp and not doughy.
The Ultimate Grilled Cheese Sandwich Recipe
8 slices of bread, sourdough.
2 tbsp of butter.
6 ounces of cheddar cheese (white or orange), grated.
Butter one side of all the 8 slices of bread. Place 4 of the slices on the work surface, and make sure the buttered sides are facing down. Spread the cheese over the 4 slices. Then, place all the remaining slices on top, with the buttered side facing upwards.
The stovetop method: heat a large skillet over a medium flame for about 2 minutes. Put the sandwiches on the skillet and then cover it and cook for another 2 minutes until the undersides of the sandwiches are golden brown and the cheese has just about begun to melt. Uncover the skillet and then turn the sandwiches over with a spatula and press them firmly down in order to flatten them. Cook for about a minute until the undersides turn golden brown. Now turn the sandwiches over again and press down with the spatula and cook for 30 seconds more or until the cheese has completely melted. Serve it immediately.
The sandwich-maker method: preheat your sandwich maker and then follow the direction when it comes to assembling the sandwich. Cook according to the instructions given.
The gas grill method: with oil, brush the grill rack and then preheat it to a medium-high temperature. Once again, follow the directions given for sandwich assembly. Put your sandwiches on the grill and then follow the given instructions.

Monday, October 29, 2012

There Is An Easy And Healthy Mussel And Tofu Soup Recipe

Seafood is a source of healthy food and rich benefits. Seafood is high in protein, low in fat, so it is a healthy food source for the heart. There is an easy and healthy seafood recipe that you can try.

Mussel and Tofu Soup

  • 200 grams of green mussel, wash
  • 100 grams tofu, cut in squares 1 cm
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
  • 2 stalks lemon grass, sliced ​​oblique
  • 2 cm galangal, sliced
  • 3 pieces of lime leaves, discard the bones leaves
  • 2 whole onions, sliced
  • 2 pieces of red chili, sliced
  • 1 tomato, cut into pieces
  • 25 grams of basil leaves
  • 2 teaspoons of salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper
  • 2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1,000 ml of water
How to make:
  1. Marinate mussel with lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Let stand 15 minutes.
  2. Boil the water, bay leaves, lemon grass, galangal, lime leaves and shallots until fragrant.
  3. Enter mussel, tofu, red chillies, tomatoes, salt, pepper, and sugar. Cook until boiling.
  4. Towards removed, added, and lemon juice. Stir until cooked.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

You Can Make Your Dreamy Seafood Pizza At Home

Every country has their own styles of pizzas in the world, so there are a lot of kinds of tastes of pizzas. I love pizza very much, fish and shellfish pizza is really savory and if you are a supporter of scrumptious homemade pizza and you even adore fish and seafood, why not try to make a seafood pizza by yourself, There are great deals of kinds of fish and shellfish you can easily use to make your seafood pizza, featuring shrimp, anchovies, tuna, mussels, squid, and crab.

You may like to adhere to one or two seafood toppings or you may would like to combine and match. If you wish to make use of just one kind of fish and shellfish, probably shrimp, or tuna, you canuse additional pizza toppings to complement the taste, such as cheese, pineapple, bell peppers, fresh herbs, and garlic.

Fish and shellfish does not have a long cooking time and the simplest method to make a seafood pizza is to prepare the fish initially, then arrange it on the pizza and warm the pizza through. If you are utilizing a readymade pizza crust, you will only require to cook the pizza till the toppings are warm anyway. Finely cut vegetables will definitely prepare rapidly and if you are using canned fish like crab ortuna, it just requires to warm with.

Shrimp, crab and tuna with olives, pineapple, mushrooms and even more for a mouthwatering pizza recipe. This is such an effortless pizza to make and the fact that you are using a readymade pizza crust and components, which do not need to be cooked prior to you bake the pizza means that it must just take about twenty moments to make from beginning to complete. Feel free to modifythe components.

You may also like to bring onion, fresh herbs, tomatoes or red bell pepper to this pizza to make it more fragrant, colorful, and delicious. The garlic oil makes an extraordinary sauce. Sometimes tomato pizza sauces can be really solid but it is good to keep this one simple so the mouth watering fish and fish and shellfish taste shines with. This delicious pizza serves four to six individuals.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Curry Chicken And Rice Is A Nice Recipe For Busy Weeknights

Curry Chicken And Rice
Curry chicken and rice is a nice recipe for busy weeknights, with chicken breasts, onion, potatoes and carrots all cooked together in one dish. Feel free to use chicken thighs instead of breasts, and to replace the curry paste with 1 1/2 - 2 tablespoons curry powder if needed.

The Rice

2 cups long grain brown rice

4 cups water

The Chicken

4 tablespoons butter

10 chicken pieces (drums & thighs)

The Sauce

2 large onions, coarsely chopped

1 whole head of garlic, minced

1 tablespoon curry powder (more or less to taste)

1/2 teaspoon ground ginger

2 tablespoons tomato paste

2 cups chicken broth

2 teaspoons cornstarch

2 tablespoons water


Toss chicken with curry powder, salt and ground red pepper in medium bowl; set aside.

Heat oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add onion; cook 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add chicken and garlic; cook 4 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink in center, stirring occasionally. Add 1 cup chicken broth, vegetables and tomato paste; bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium; simmer, uncovered, 3 to 4 minutes or until vegetables are crisp-tender.

Combine remaining 1/4 cup chicken broth and cornstarch, mixing until smooth. Stir into chicken mixture; simmer 2 minutes or until sauce thickens, stirring occasionally. Serve over rice; top with yogurt and cilantro.

Preheat the oven to 375°. In a large ovenproof skillet, heat the oil. Season the chicken pieces with salt and pepper. Add them to the skillet skin side down and cook over moderately high heat, turning once, until browned, about 12 minutes; transfer to a plate.

Discard all but 2 tablespoons of the fat from the skillet. Add the onion and cook over moderate heat until barely soft, about 3 minutes. Stir in the rice, curry powder, dill, cumin, crushed red pepper and 1 teaspoon salt.

Return the chicken to the skillet and add the stock. Cover and bake in the oven for 20 minutes. Transfer the breasts and wings to a plate, cover and keep warm. Cover the skillet and bake for about 20 minutes longer, or until the rice is tender. Spoon the rice onto a platter. Set the chicken on top, garnish with the cilantro and serve at once.

SERVE WITH A soothing raita (a yogurt condiment), chutney or pungent Indian pickle (lime pickle is nice) and a green vegetable like spinach or zucchini for the full Asian effect.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Pecan Pie Bars Which Are Quite Easy To Make

Pecan Pie Bars
Most people who are reading this article will be familiar with pecan pies. It is actually a sweet dish which is made with pecan nuts and corn syrup. As it is said to be a specialty of Southern US cuisine, people think that it was introduced there. However, there are people who say that it was introduced in New Orleans, as pecan pies are very popular there. Wherever it may have been introduced, this has become a favorite of people all around the world and is made specially during the holidays. Moreover, people have found different ways of making it. One amongst them are the pecan pie bars which are quite easy to make. The sweet taste along with the crunchy effect of the pecans makes them a favorite among young and old alike. So, if you find this sweet dish interesting, here are some recipes for making chunky bars.

How to Make Bars From Pecan Pie

Recipe #01


3 cups All-purpose flour

3 tablespoons margarine, melted

2½ cups pecans, chopped

½ teaspoon salt

1½ cup white sugar

4 eggs

1½ teaspoons vanilla extract

1 cup margarine

1½ cup light corn syrup

4 ounces white sugar


Take flour in a large mixing bowl and add ½ cup (4 ounces) white sugar and salt to it. Stir these ingredients together and then, put in 1 cup of margarine to it. Continue stirring till the mixture looks like coarse crumbs. Once this is done, take a 10x15 inch jellyroll pan and grease it lightly. Pour the mixture into this pan and place it in a 350 degrees F preheated oven for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, you can start preparing the filling for the pie crust. For this, take eggs, 1½ cup of sugar, vanilla, corn syrup and 3 tablespoons of margarine in a mixing bowl. Mix until the mixture attains a smooth texture and then, fold in the pecans into the mixture. Once the crust is done, take it out of the oven and spread the filling into it evenly. Place the pan again in the oven and bake for 25 minutes or till the filling is fully set. Place the pan on the wire rack and when it gets completely cooled, slice it into the shape of bars.

Recipe #02


3 cups flour

1 cup butter, softened

1½ teaspoon vanilla

6 sq. semi-sweet chocolate

2½ cups pecans, chopped

4 eggs, slightly beaten

½ teaspoon salt

2 cups sugar, divided

1½ cup corn syrup


Take ½ cup sugar, salt, flour and butter in a mixing bowl and blend them together with a hand blender at a medium speed. Continue doing this till the mixture starts looking like coarse crumbs. Grease a baking pan lightly and spread the whole mixture into it. Place the pan in the oven and bake it for 20 minutes at the temperature of 350 degrees F. While the crust is being made, take a small saucepan and cook chocolate and corn syrup on a very low heat. Keep on stirring the mixture till the chocolate melts completely. Take the saucepan off the stove and fold in the eggs, remaining sugar and vanilla to it. Blend these ingredients together till the mixture becomes smooth. Once this is done, stir in the chopped pecans. Spread this mixture on the pie base and bake it again for 30 minutes. Cool the pecan pie crust and then, chop it into 1½ inch bars. More on pecan pie recipe.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Couple Of Easy Banana Bread Recipes For You To Go Bananas Over

Banana Bread
Banana bread is a cake-like, sweet bread, with mashed bananas being one of the main ingredients. This bread is quick and easy to make, with baking soda used as the leavening agent rather than yeast. And instead of dough, a thick batter is used to make the bread, which doesn't need the usual process of kneading. Usually, a rectangular pan is used to bake the banana bread.

It was in the 1930s, with the popularization of baking powder or baking soda, that banana bread recipes first found their way into American cookbooks. The simplicity of the recipe along with the revival of home baking in the 1960s led to a sudden surge in the popularity of banana bread. The recipe books of the 1960s added to the popularity of this bread by listing a number of its variations, with chocolate, nuts and fruits added into it. For example, the banana and chocolate or the banana and walnut are great variations of the basic banana bread.

So, every time you find you have a number of bananas ripening at the same time, why not mash them and make some of this delectable bread. Not only is it delicious, but it can also make a quick and nutritious breakfast, since it freezes well. You can slice up the bread and place each slice in a separate plastic bag and freeze them. So, whenever you happen to be in a rush in the morning, all you need to do is pop in a slice into the microwave, and... Voila!... There you have a yummy, warm slice infused with the aroma of heavenly banana.

So, here we go... here are a couple of easy banana recipes for you to go bananas over:

Cinnamon Flavored Walnut Banana Bread

3 cups of very ripe bananas, mashed

3 1/4 cups of flour, all-purpose

4 large eggs

1/2 tsp cinnamon

2 1/3 cups of sugar

1/2 tsp salt

1 cup of vegetable oil

1/4 cup of crème fraîche

2 tsp baking soda

2 tsp vanilla

1 1/3 cups of walnuts, toasted and chopped

Begin by preheating the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease two 9 by 5-inch loaf pans, then sprinkle some flour over it. Sift the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, and salt together in a bowl. Beat the sugar and eggs in a bowl with an electric mixer set at medium-high speed for about 10 minutes or until the mixture forms peaks. Then, reducing the speed, add the oil slowly, while continuing to mix, then add in the mashed bananas, vanilla, and crème fraiche. Stop the mixer, and then fold in the flour mixture as well as the walnuts into it. Then put this batter into the two baking pans and bake for about an hour, or until the loaves turn golden brown.

Lemony Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

1 1/2 cups flour, all purpose

1 cup of ripe bananas, mashed

3/4 cup of chocolate chips, semisweet

2 large sized eggs

1/2 cup of unsalted butter

1 cup of sugar

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp salt

2 tbsp lemon juice, fresh

1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour a 9 by 5-inch loaf pan. Whisk the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt together in a medium-sized bowl in order to blend them. Put the chocolate chips in another bowl and add one tablespoon of the flour mixture and toss it about in order to coat the chocolate. In a large bow, beat the butter until it becomes fluffy. Add the sugar in gradually while still beating until it is well blended. Blend the eggs in one at a time. Then, blend in the vanilla extract, lemon juice, and the mashed bananas. Blend in the flour mixture, and then spoon in 1/3 of the batter into the baking pan, and sprinkle in half of the chocolate chips. Then spoon in another 1/3 of the batter and sprinkle in the rest of the chocolate chips. Then put in the rest of the batter and run a knife through the batter in a zigzag pattern. Then put it in the oven and bake for about an hour.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Sausage And Peppers Recipe Is One Of The Most Famous Of All The Pork Recipes

As we know, sausage is a sort of prepared meat that is processed using ground pork meat such as fatback with herbs, salt and many spices. Sometimes, they are also available in the pre-cooked form and sometimes as raw sausages. Sausage making is actually a meat preservation technique, that is done using several food preservation techniques like drying, curing and smoking of sausages. Other than pork, sausages are also made using chicken, turkey and other sorts of meats.

There are several traditional meat recipes that are almost incomplete without the sausages, like German sausage recipes and Italian sausage and pepper recipes! They are found in almost every block party, family reunion and country fair as they are the ultimate form of divine foods that a person can have! Yes, I am stating this completely in my senses and if you want to find out why, here is the easy and delicious sausage and peppers recipe!

Easy Recipe


9 Italian sausages

2 bell peppers chopped in strips

3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

3 vinegar peppers, chopped in strips

½ onion (yellow or red) chopped in strips

½ cup red wine

1 garlic clove, diced

2 tablespoons fresh oregano, chopped


Heat a large skillet over medium flame and add olive oil in it. Add sausages and stir until brown from all sides. Gently remove the sausages and add garlic in the pan, only to cook it for about 20 seconds. Now add pepper and onion strips in it and cook for two minutes. Add red wine and bring the mixture to boil. Simmer it and add sausages to it and cover the pan. Simmer it for 15 minutes, with cover and 5 minutes without cover. Add oregano at the last moment and serve it hot with a tasty crusty bread.

Crock Pot


2 lbs Italian turkey sausage

2 chopped onions (yellow)

2 bell peppers (red and green), cut to 2 inch pieces

4 minced garlic cloves

2 bay leaves

14 oz canned tomatoes, drained and diced

6 oz tomato paste

½ dry red wine

½ teaspoon dried leaves each of basil and oregano

1 tablespoon dried leaves of parsley

White pepper and salt to taste


Brown cook the sausages in a heavy skillet. Take a 3-4 quart crock pot and layer its base with half of the onion strips. Then put a layer of half of the pepper strips. Put a layer of the browned sausages and remaining of the peppers and onions. Take a bowl and put drained tomatoes, red wine and tomato sauce in it and mix well, until blended. Spread this mixture over the mixture in the crock pot. Cover the crock pot and cook for at least 6 hours. Before the last one hour, open the lid of the crock pot and mix the oregano, basil and parsley leaves in it, along with white pepper and salt. Cook until the vegetables are tender and sausage is cooked thoroughly. It serves 8 and can be one of the best sausage and peppers recipe for a crowd.



1¼ lb chicken sausages

4 tablespoons olive oil

4 bell peppers (red, yellow and green), cut into ¼" slices

1 thinly slices fennel bulb

2 large onions, halved and cut into ¼" slices

4 sliced garlic cloves

¼ teaspoon black pepper

½ teaspoon salt


Put olive oil in the baking pan and put it in oven at 425 degree F. Put onions, peppers, garlic, fennel, black pepper and salt in the pan and bake over same heat for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, heat a large skillet over medium heat and brown the sausages in it for 5 to 10 minutes and cut into pieces. Remove the baking pan from the oven, reduce the heat to 375 degree F and add the pieces of sausage to it. Cook it well, until the sausages are cooked thoroughly.

Classic Grilled


3 oz Italian sausage links

1 lb red potatoes, cut in quarters

5 minced garlic cloves

1 peeled and halved red onion

2 yellow and 4 red bell peppers, quartered

2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped

1 tablespoon fresh oregano, minced

Black pepper and salt, divided to taste!


Take piece of a heavy duty foil and put garlic and potatoes in it. Sprinkle it with half of the pepper and salt on it and fold the foil to seal the edges tightly. Put this foil pouch on prepared grill rack (prepared by coating it with cooking spray) and grill for about 25 to 30 minutes. Put a light coat of cooking spray on the peppers and onions and sprinkle them with salt and black pepper and put onions on the grill. By turning the sides of the onions add the sausages and peppers on the grill. Keep on grilling from all sides, until the sausages are done. Now, slice peppers, potatoes and onions and put them in a large bowl. Add the garlic pulp, parsley and oregano. Toss the mixture well. Serve pieces of sausage links with this mixture!

There are numerous cooking methods that take us to the heavenly delicious and tempting sausage and peppers recipe! The above mentioned recipes are very easy to make, and I am sure you are dying to make some of them on your own! Enjoy.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Delicious And Wonderfully Aromatic Pumpkin Pie Spice Cake

The fall and winter months herald the pumpkin season, and thus pumpkin desserts begin to appear on our dinner tables especially during. Among them, pumpkin pie spice cake is a favorite all over America. This rich lovely orange cake is a confluence of pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice ingredients; ginger, cinnamon and cloves. This unique double layered cake, when crowned with frosting, is truly a feast. Pumpkin spice cake with brown butter frosting or cream cheese icing are just few of the grand options. Making a pumpkin spice cake used to be a time-consuming and tedious process, but with the advent of good canned pumpkin puree, the task has been made much easier.

Pumpkin Pie Spice Cake with...

Cream Cheese Frosting


1 cup unsalted butter at room temperature

¼ tsp ground cloves

2½ cups of light brown sugar

½ tsp ginger

4 large eggs

½ tsp cinnamon

2 cups of fresh or canned pure pumpkin

1 tsp salt

2 tsp pure vanilla extract

2 tsp baking soda

4 cups sifted cake flour

½ tsp baking powder

1 cup buttermilk at room temperature

1 cup toasted and chopped walnuts/pecans for garnishing

For Cream Cheese Frosting

4 cups of confectioners' icing sugar, sifted

16 ounces cream cheese, room temperature

4 tbsp pure maple syrup

½ cup unsalted butter at room temperature


The first step for making this pumpkin spice cake is to preheat the oven to 350 ºF. Grease four 8'' cake pans and dust the pans with flour. Mix the butter and sugar in a bowl using an electric mixer, till they turn light and fluffy. Break one egg at a time into this mixture and mix well after each addition. Pour in the pumpkin puree and vanilla and blend some more. Combine the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and spices in a separate bowl and sieve. Then, spoon this mixture and buttermilk alternately into the pumpkin batter. Distribute the batter equally between all pans. Place them in the oven and bake for approximately 25 to 30 minutes. Slide a toothpick into the center of each cake to check, and when it comes out clean, your cake is ready. Cool for 10 minutes and then remove the cakes from their pans. They must be completely cool before frosting.

For the frosting, blend the cream cheese and butter in your food processor/mixer till smooth. Add maple syrup and confectioners' sugar and continue to blend. You may need to adjust the amounts to achieve the right consistency. Now, take two of the cakes and coat the top of the cake with a layer of icing. Place the other two cakes upside down over the first ones and then frost the top and sides of each cake. Sprinkle chopped nuts on the cakes. Refrigerate if required but serve at room temperature.

Homemade Pumpkin Pie Spice Recipe


1 tsp ground nutmeg

8 tsp powdered cinnamon

2 tsp ground cloves

4 tsp powdered ginger

For homemade pumpkin pie spice equivalent, mix together the above ingredients and store.
If you really want to make the pumpkin pie recipe from scratch, you can follow the pumpkin pie spice mix recipe and make your own spice mix and also your own homemade puree. While store bought pumpkin puree works well while making a pumpkin pie spice cake, if you want to make it yourself, you must use the smaller pumpkin varieties. To prepare the puree, slice the pumpkin lengthwise, deseed and remove the fibers and then place on a greased baking sheet, cut side down. Bake for about 45 minutes at 350 ºF. Baking time may extend to an hour and 15 minutes for a big pumpkin. Take out from oven and allow to cool, then scoop out the pulp and blend in a food processor. For thin pulp, place puree in cheesecloth lined strainer and strain.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Broccoli Casserole Recipe Is An Equally Popular Choice On Dinner

If concocting dishes is your forte and you feel the adrenaline rush to cook up tasty meals when guests screech your doorbell and take you by surprise, it is time you put on your chef's coat and get to work. Why not cook up a casserole? Sounds interesting and mouth-watering, isn't it? Don't know what a casserole is? Let this article acquaint you with the idea of a casserole, only then can we move on to easy broccoli casserole recipes to help you cook an appetizing meal.

Casserole is a dish that has a soup-like texture, however in comparison to the authentic broccoli soups and recipes and in terms of consistency the casserole scores high on the thickness factor. It is a popular dish and an equally popular choice on dinner tables in countries like Europe, United States and Canada. This dish has two meats or greens as its dominant ingredients. To make the preparation all the more richer, alcohol in the form of wine and beer can also be added. Vegetable juices is another ingredient that contributes in enhancing the flavors to the T. You may wonder as to how the casserole gets a thick texture. Well, the thickness and the consistency is borrowed from pasta, potatoes or rice that is blended with the liquids. There are different types of casseroles and they are all delectable in their own respective ways. In this article, we discuss some easy broccoli casserole recipes.

Broccoli Casserole with Cheese

  • 2 packages frozen chopped broccoli; partially thawed
  • 1 can water chestnuts, drained and thinly sliced
  • 1 can (10½ ounces) cream of chicken soup
  • 2 tablespoons dry bread crumbs
  • ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 tablespoons butter; melted
  1. To make broccoli cheese casserole, all you need to do is to break broccoli into pieces.
  2. Discard excess liquid by squeezing the broccoli.
  3. Place the broccoli pieces and water chestnuts in the prescribed quantities in a casserole.
  4. Pour the cream of chicken soup on the broccoli pieces.
  5. Blend cheese, butter and bread crumbs.
  6. Make sure that the butter is melted.
  7. Bake the broccoli for an hour. Make sure that the baking is done in an uncovered casserole.
Broccoli Casserole with Cheese Recipe #2

  • 1 can Condensed Cream of Mushroom Soup
  • 1 cup Mayonnaise
  • 1 Egg; beaten
  • ¼ cup Onions; chopped
  • 3 packages Frozen Chopped Broccoli
  • 230 grams of shredded Cheddar Cheese
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • Paprika
  1. Take a casserole dish and grease it with melted butter. Make sure that the butter is spread evenly. Place it aside.
  2. Now, take a mixing bowl and pour the soup, mayonnaise, chopped onions and beaten eggs into it. Blend it well.
  3. With another bowl on the kitchen counter break the broccoli into pieces and add the mixture made of mayonnaise, condensed soup, eggs and onions. Mix it thoroughly.
  4. The next step is to add the shredded cheddar cheese. Keep blending.
  5. Pour the entire mixture into the greased dish and even it well.
  6. You could season the dish with salt to taste and pepper to enhance the flavors.
  7. Bake the dish for an hour at 325 degrees F.
Broccoli Chicken Casserole

  • 2 whole chicken breasts
  • 3/4 can chicken broth
  • 2 pk. frozen broccoli spears
  • 1 can cream of chicken soup
  • 1 can finely crushed cracker crumbs
  • 1 can grated Cheddar cheese
  • 1 can mayonnaise
  1. Boil the chicken for an hour, until completely cooked.
  2. Now cook broccoli for ten minutes in boiling water.
  3. The chicken that you have boiled, will have broth in abundant quantity.
  4. All you need to do is to put aside some broth for later use.
  5. Place the chicken and broccoli in a baking dish.
  6. Place the chicken on top of the broccoli pieces
  7. Blend the broth, the cream of chicken soup and mayonnaise well.
  8. Pour it into the dish over the broccoli and chicken layer.
  9. Garnish the dish with bread crumbs, pepper and grated cheese.
  10. Bake the dish for 35 to 45 minutes at 350 degrees F.
Broccoli Cauliflower Casserole Recipe

  • 150 gm fresh broccoli
  • 150 gm fresh cauliflower
  • 4 tablespoons of Cheese Whiz
  • ½ can Cream of Chicken Soup
  • 2 tablespoons of Fried Onions
  1. Pre-heat the oven at 325 degrees F.
  2. Cook vegetables until cooked partially.
  3. Cream of chicken soup, cheese and fried onions should be mixed.
  4. Vegetables also should be mixed.
  5. Bake this mixture for 15 minutes in a greased oven.
  6. Spread the remaining onion fries on top of the bake and let it stand for another 5 minutes.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Delicious Chicken Barbeque Recipes Are Extremely High In Nutrition

When you say chicken recipe, it sounds so mouth-watering and when its Barbecued chicken it sounds like some god send food to rejuvenate me and distress me. Yes it might sound really bizarre but then I love eating non-vegetarian food and I love chicken the best. I am a foodie and good food is a turn-on for me. Here are some of the recipes, which I really loved.

Barbecue Chicken Kisses

  • 2 tablespoons barbecue sauce
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 1/2 green bell pepper, chopped
  • 1 skinless, boneless chicken breast half - cut into bite-size pieces
  • 1 potato, peeled and cubed

The first step would be to heat the grill on a medium high heat and oil the grate lightly. Now take two sheets of aluminum foil so that you can place the chicken breasts, potato, green bell pepper and the onion along with the barbecue sauce in the center of the foil and pack it. Make as many as these packages as you want and then grill them at a moderately high temperature for approximately 35 minutes or until the temperature of the meat reaches approximately 180 degree Fahrenheit. So the chicken kisses are ready and now you can enjoy these amazingly tasty chicken kisses and this would be the best kiss you have ever had.

Chicken with mustard sauce and green beans

  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter
  • ¼ cup pouring cream
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tbsp whole grain mustard
  • 5 skinless chicken breast fillets (about 1000g total)
  • 350g green beans, trimmed

You can heat the oven before you start preparing the chicken so that it is ready by the time you are ready to grill the chicken to approximately 180-200 degree Fahrenheit. In the meantime flavor the chicken with salt and pepper. Mix some butter and oil in pan and heat them. Add the chicken fillets in the pan when the butter is not foaming anymore and fry it for approximately one to three minutes so that each side takes an attractive golden brown color. Now put the chicken on the roasting tin and roast it for about fifteen minutes till the chicken is cooked thoroughly. Now put the chicken pieces on the plate and cover them to keep it warm. Now prepare the sauce with the chicken stock. Put it in the frying pan in which you fried the chicken so that the pieces and bits of chicken flow into it. Boil the stock and add mustard and simmer it for another five minutes. Now add the cream and boil the sauce till it becomes thicker. In the meantime cook some beans in salted water and roast them for about fifteen to twenty minutes and serve them with chicken and mustard sauce.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

How To Make Chinese Dumplings

Chinese name: 饺子 (jiǎo zi)
Characteristics: Dumplings taste fresh and delicious in various shapes.

In China, especially in northern China, making and eating dumplings is an important activity for most families on New Year's Eve in Spring Festival.

soy sauce
cooking wine
white vinegar
sesame oil
chicken essence (chicken stock/bouillon)
five spices powder
red chili oil
small dried shrimps
chopped cilantro
Note: the amount of the seasonings listed above can be appropriately used according to one's personal taste.
Step 1: Clean the meat and chop it. Put into a basin or dish. Clean the lotus root after peeling it first. Cut it into small diced pieces. Put into a dish or basin. Clean and chop the ginger and the green onion. Place into separate dishes.

Step 2: Take 3 bowls of flour and pour into a small basin. Add in some salt and stir it well. Make a hole in the middle and gradually add small quantities of water until it forms into small pieces. Sprinkle some more water on the flour pieces and stir by hand to form a paste on a board and smooth it out. Put it into the basin to be fermented.
Step 3: Add some cooking wine, soy sauce, five spices powder, salt,  chicken essence and the chopped lotus root, ginger and green onion into the ground meat. Stir it well and pour into a dish.

 Step 4: Pick some fillings prepared before and put at the center of the wrapper (less filling should be put if you are not used to make dumplings). Fold and pinch the wrapper from the middle to the two outer sides. Put the pinched side on the forefinger. Clasp the hands and pinched it hard. A meniscus shaped dumpling is out.

Step 5: Take out of the flour paste and place on the board. Sprinkle some flour on it. Rub it by hand again. Cut a small section from the paste to be rubbed into a stick. Cut the flour stick into small dough. Roll it flat with a rolling pin. Place into a dish on top of each other, with corn starch in between to prevent each piece from sticking to each other.
Step 6: Find a small basin or bowl. Add in salt, chicken essence, white sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil and red chili oil. Stir it well. You can also add in some chopped green onion to enhance the flavor. Pour it into a dish.

Step7: Pick out 3 teaspoons of the seasoning sauce and put into a soup bowl. Add in the dried small shrimps and chopped cilantro (add in some salt or sauce if you like more taste). Stir it well.

Step 8: Scoop out the boiled dumplings with a table spoon or a draining spoon and put into a dish if you prefer dry dumplings, which can be eaten with the seasoning juice prepared before.

Step 9: Pick out 1 tablespoon of soup and pour in to the soup bowl with seasoning sauce. Scoop out the boiled dumpling through a table spoon or a draining spoon and pour into the bowl.

Step 10: Place a wok over high heat. Fill it with water. Add in the dumplings one by one until the water is boiling. Add in 1/4 table spoon of water when it boils. Repeat this twice again. Turn off the heat.

The wrapper is usually made from flour and water, but the fillings vary a lot, ranging from all sorts of meat and vegetables to seafood, mushrooms and even fruit. Dumplings are meniscus, angular or ingot shaped traditionally, but nowadays they are made into flowers, birds, fish and insects, more like arts and crafts than food. It is also a tradition in northern China to eat dumplings on the day of winter solstice.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Different Types Of Sandwich

Alot of people love sandwich very much, it is very delicious. To define a sandwich, we could say it is a food object with two or more slices of bread with fillings between them. An open face sandwich on the other hand refers to a slice of bread with one or more toppings over it. This widely popular food item is a great takeaway no matter what time of the day you plan to have it. On a picnic, or in your lunch box, or for dinner at a sit-down eatery, any time is sandwich time!
The types of sandwiches make a very long list and each day you see some more additions to the already growing menu. Let us check out some of the famous ones from different continents. To start with there is the tomato chutney sandwich or Vada Pav from India, and fancy Tea sandwiches from England.

In America Dagwood sandwiches and Hamburgers are available everywhere. Sweden invented the Open Face sandwich laden with all sorts of delicacies. There is the Panini from Italy, the Shawarma from the Middle-East, the Croque-Monsieur from France, and the Roti John from Singapore and Malaysia. When in Mexico be sure to indulge in a Torta, and why not try Elvis's favourite peanut butter and banana concoction.
No matter which culture you check up on, there is hardly any that does not like the sandwich. Served everywhere, you can easily find yourself chowing down on one at a fast food restaurant, an upscale hotel or even a lowscale one. Even in our own kitchens, we always seem to have lots of items on hand to slap together a sandwich. Some people love to take one to work each day while others have it as their last meal on their way to bed.

There are so many different types of sandwiches that you can ask for. A hotdog, hoagie, belly burner, or even a hero. When you come to think of it, the sandwich is the king of food because it helps you to bring all kinds of good stuff together. A great sandwich is usually one that combines fresh bread, fresh salad, condiments and fillings, whatever your heart desires.

For the fast-paced lifestyles of today, the sandwich is the very best quickly made meal. It became popular because of its easy mobility and delicious taste. The best part of having a sandwich is that you can try all sorts of innovations, and the more you explore, the more you are going to fall in love with this appetizing delight.You can also cook the delicious sandwich at your own home.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Cook The Delicious And Healthy Chinese Food At Home

Opinion is divided as to whether Chinese food is good for you. Some say that there is a lower incidence of heart disease and some cancers among the Chinese but others consider that a normal Chinese meal is incredibly unhealthy. This latter opinion is based on the levels of salt, fat and calories in such a meal. Needless to say, reality isn't quite that cut and dried and some valid information has been overlooked. As with any other cuisine the exact content of the meal is what counts.

Chinese food has evolved freely with time. Over the course of more than 5000 years , these culinary practices have been polished and improved and have flourished with the passing of time. For example, steaming, a basic cooking technique, was practiced prolifically centuries before the creation of the first dynasty. Through trade, non-indigenous ingredients made their way to the kitchens of the court combining with the native harvests to produce exceptional, unusual and marvelous dishes.

An expertly prepared Chinese course is expected to appeal to more senses than just the tongue. Its hues should be tantalizing to sight, the ingredients should be of equal size and it should smell delicious. There should be contrasting tastes and textures within the meal; if one dish is sharp, it should be offset by another one that is smooth. A bland dish is paired with a flavorful one, thereby always trying to create a balance. It is important to have this equalization of yin and yang.

Real Chinese food is mostly vegetarian. Fats and meats are applied sparsely for punches of flavor and very few recipes are deep fried. This is because oils and meats can be scarce and expensive in China. As a result, real Chinese food is quite beneficial to your health because most of the recipes are low calorie and low in carbohydrates. Chinese people also love to incorporate bean curd instead of meat and dairy. Bean curd or tofu is full of good fats and proteins and are a great substitute for meats.

Furthermore, Chinese food is quite economical and easy to make if you have the right cookbook and ingredients . Chinese food is very open to flexible interpretations of recipes and you can often substitute ingredients to spark new creations. Chinese chefs have learned to make a lot with very little , and this can be applied in our kitchens to save resources. Frugality is definitely a virtue in the Chinese culture, and it is sometimes said that a Chinese chef can make dirt and bark taste good. This is a testament to the ingenuity and practicality of Chinese cuisine.

In conclusion, if you love Chinese food but feel guilty about eating it, then you should make it at home with fresh and healthy ingredients. You will find a new appreciation for the culture and genius of the Chinese people and improve your health at the same time. Just remember that Chinese food is not the deep fried and artificially colored goop you see at every American Chinese restaurant.

Friday, February 17, 2012

You Can Find The Best Seafood In Spain

Seafood is known to be a sector of the alimentary world that is quite important and brings big names from all around the world. The Seafood Barcelona congress is a new opportunity for the Spanish businesses and associations that want to export their product and where but Barcelona, where one of the big products is seafood fished from the beautiful Mediterranean sea every morning?

The organizers of the congress have explained that Spain in this moment is the leader in the production and the consumation of fish meaning that 70% percent of homes in Spain eat fish with a 2.2 kilos per capita every month according to the Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marino (MARM).

Spain is also the first fabricator of fish preserves in the European Union earning something close to 2,500 million euros according to the numbers by the Asociación Nacional de Conservas de Pescado (Anfaco), who have also stressed the importance of an opportunity like the Seafood Barcelona congress. Stay tuned for more information on the congress.
Seafoods include fish, molluscs (octopus and shellfish), crustaceans (shrimp and lobster), echinoderms (sea cucumber and sea urchins). Edible sea plants, such as some seaweeds and microalgae, are also seafood, and are widely eaten around the world, especially in Asia (see the category of sea vegetables). In North America, although not generally in the United Kingdom, the term "seafood" is also applied also to fresh water organisms eaten by humans, so all edible aquatic life may be referred to as seafood.

The harvesting of wild seafood is known as fishing and the cultivation and farming of seafood is known as aquaculture, mariculture, or in the case of fish, fish farming. Seafood is often distinguished from meat, although it is still animal and is excluded in a strict vegetarian diet. Seafood is an important source of protein in many diets around the world, especially in coastal areas.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Delicious Stewed Pork Belly in Dark Soya Sauce

This recipe is VERY EASY and DELICIOUS. You have no reasons why you should not try it (unless you do not eat pork), even if you are a beginner. The ingredients are simple and can be obtained almost everywhere. In fact, I used to cook this dish during my university days in England and it was really nice to have it with steaming hot rice on a cold winter’s night!
This is my recipe for Stewed Pork Belly in Dark Soya Sauce.

  • 300 grammes pork belly (whole)
  • 4 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 whole bulbs garlic (separate into individual cloves)
  • Approximately 15 – 20 white peppercorns
  • Warm water
  • 1 piece star-anise (optional)
  • 3 to 4 tablespoons dark soya sauce
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
Add sugar into a wok / saucepan which has been heated up. Let the sugar caramelise (turn liquid and brown).
Once sugar fully caramelised, add pork belly and let it “sear” for 1 minute on each side. Add water to cover the pork belly by 1 to 2 cm. Add the rest of the ingredients and seasoning. Once water begins to boil, reduce to medium low heat, cover lid and let it simmer for 30 minutes to an hour.
To serve, separate gravy from the rest of the ingredients. Slice the pork belly to desired thinness.

Monday, January 9, 2012

How To Cook Chilli Pork?

If you are looking for a delicious pork recipe which tastes sweet and hot, Chilli Pork might just be what you are looking for. Using dried chillis for a fiery taste and dark soya sauce, this dish is guaranteed to whet your appetite and make you ask for second helpings of rice. Best of all, it is a simple dish to cook and can be attempted by a beginner.

I use pork belly for this recipe due to the texture of this part of the meat. Containing layers of fat and meat, each bite will give you a nice blend of slightly chewy meat in contrast with the smooth fat. No, it is not that healthy to be consuming this dish but once a fortnight or month should be fine. LOL! Again, just like the other recipes on this site, you don’t have to follow all the measurements of ingredients to the dot. If you like it more spicy, add more dried chillis or vice versa. Most of all, cook this and be blown away by its tastiness! Highly recommended!
This is my recipe for Chilli Pork
  • 200 grammes pork belly (sliced thinly)
  • 4 pieces dried chilli
  • 8 cloves garlic (chopped finely)
  • 200 ml hot water
  • 2 tablespoons cooking oil
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons dark soya sauce
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • white pepper powder to taste
  • 1/2 teaspoon chinese cooking wine
Heat oil in wok and saute dried chilli with garlic till aromatic.
Before garlic turns brown, add sliced pork and stir well. Add sugar and dark soya sauce. Once pork is cooked on outer side, add water gradually (ensure that water continues to boil) followed by salt, pepper and chinese cooking wine.
Cook till gravy reduced before dishing up.